Monday 20 February 2023

Are digital humans the employees of the future?

Introduction The advent of artificial intelligence has made it possible for digital humans to enter the workforce, replacing human workers in many roles. Digital humans are computer-generated people who can take on the role of sales reps, presenters, trainers, and even influencers in social media. These digital humans are vastly different from traditional AI, outperforming it in natural language processing, facial recognition, and even emotions. As they become ubiquitous, they are impacting how we work, how we interact with each other, and how we do business. What Are Digital Humans? Digital humans are computer-generated people, sometimes referred to as “virtual humans” or “synthetic humans”. They are created using advanced computer graphics and artificial intelligence, making them indistinguishable from real people. Digital humans are incredibly versatile, and can take on tasks that are traditionally considered to be human-only. They can be used for sales assistance, customer service, multimedia presentation, training, and social media influencer campaigns. The Benefits of Digital Humans One of the primary benefits of digital humans is that they are available 24/7. Digital humans never need to take a break, meaning they can answer customer inquiries, give presentations, and engage in conversations at any time of the day or night. They can also be deployed virtually anywhere, meaning they don't need to be stationed in a physical office or store. Additionally, digital humans can be programmed with multiple languages, making them a great choice for businesses aiming to reach global audiences. Finally, digital humans can stay on-brand at all times, giving you peace of mind that your campaigns are always consistent and professional. The Downsides of Digital Humans As with any technology, there are some drawbacks to digital humans. The biggest concern is that digital humans can lead to the displacement of human workers, which can have serious consequences for people who rely on those jobs for their livelihood. It is also important to consider the ethical implications of digital humans, as some people may feel uneasy about interacting with them. Finally, creating realistic digital humans can be costly and time-consuming, meaning businesses may need to make a substantial investments in order to use them. Conclusion Digital humans are becoming increasingly popular in the workforce, as they can complete tasks that are traditionally considered to be human-only. They are available 24/7, can be deployed virtually anywhere, and can be programmed with multiple languages, making them a valuable asset to any business. That being said, they also come with some drawbacks, such as the potential to displace human workers and the ethical questions raised by their use. Ultimately, businesses must weigh the pros and cons and decide whether or not digital humans are right for them.

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